There are too many movies that are based on Aliens. But, The question is is that really or not? Actually I can't say that properly. of course I can't.
You must have read news about too many UFO seen here and there. UFO is Unidentified Flying Object. Before some time that was news aobut UFO over China. I hope you have read.
all over world, there are too many cases that tell us that that has been seen UFO in sky. On this particular subject, Too many country like U.S.,Rasia, Chin are trying to find out more. But it is too complicated to describe. Many astrologers has told that there are too many planet that are too far from earth and they have more intelligent human comparing us. They come agian and again on earth to observe.
Jimmy Carter (he was president of U.S.) has also seen the UFO. so, they told scientist to make more research on aliens. Scientists of NASA also collected proofs to this research. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, (United States Astronomer) has written a book "The UFO Experience". In this book there are too many content on aliens.He was also the adviser of The U.S. Air force Investigation Into UFO's project.
In latest, Ministry of Defense has announced that "from January to last month of runnig year UFO was seen by 394 times only in Britain. British Transport police officer and UFO expert gary heseltine tells that for last 12 months there has been seen too many UFOs.
that UFO was also seen in Chin. in 2009, February, Gulton at city of Liupenshuei UFO was seen by 12 officer of fire brigade. Among them one officer has captred that scene with camera. The website The LAtest UFO videos and news has also published videos and photos about that UFOs. And also interview of that officer of Fire brigade.
NASA has also published their photos about UFOs and Videos on internet.
Reading this there is too hard to trust that there is nothing aliens or anything. But this is true. Any where that must be human like us seeing our every activity about all our science and technology. Of course there are UFOs has been seen many times in all over world. So, are Aliens looking on all over world? May be it is possible. And you also have seen some movies about aliens.
than it is impossible to neglect this issue about UFO and Aliens. So, we have to look after our selves any time from aliens. Now see this video published by REalUFOs.net:
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